From Challenge to Innovation: The Cost-Saving Wellhead Dressing ToolAnother successful special solution from our engineering and tooling department.
Changes in Saga Subsea boosts growth and developmentThe last year and a half have been of tremendous significance for Saga Subsea. With new owners, a company reorganization and new funding – all giving room for growth and…
Saga Subsea Unveils New Website and LogoLaunching a revamped website along with a fresh new logo, marking a significant milestone in the company’s ongoing evolution
Meet Arild, our Senior EngineerSaga Subsea Welcomes Arild as Senior Engineer in our Engineering Department
Meet Sigbjørn, our new Project ManagerSaga Subsea Welcomes Sigbjørn as New Project Manager in our Agency & Services Department
Meet Christian, our New Project ManagerSaga Subsea Welcomes Christian as New Project Manager in our Engineering Department
Highlights from ONSA huge thank you to everyone who joined us aboard the MS Forsand and helped make this year’s event unforgettable